subordinate station造句

"subordinate station"是什么意思   


  1. Lng subordinate station is the station which ng can be transported to in small cites or subordinate cites and far away from the lng plants in central cites , supply ng to the cites around them
  2. In the process of reform and development , the wujie & petrochemical industry co , ltd under the correct leadership of corporation , actively change their operational mechanism to adapt to market changes , subordinate stations are a major finished product oil supply networks in hexi area
  3. The content of the electricity transforming of the system with profibus includes the designing of signal detecting and dealing system , the developing of the major cache unit machine control , the integration of the system diagnosis and data information , and the subordinate station diagnosis function
  4. For the high cost and complicated crafts of the subordinate station ' s construction , it has different features compared to normal crafts . the lng craft needs the assistance of many crucial techniques . the aims of this book is to speculate on the feasibility of subordinate station ' s construction after learning the properties , crafts of lng and analyzing the crucial techniques
  5. One is to construct liquefied natural gas ( briefly lng ) subordinate stations , through which ng can be potted and carried to small cites ( towns ) after being liquefied . the other is to construct compressed natural gas ( briefly cng ) stations , through which ng can put into some special vessels then carried to small cities ( towns ) after being purified and compressed
    一种是建设液化天然气( lng )卫星站,将天然气液化后再进行贮运至城镇;另一种方式是建设压缩天然气( cng )站,将天然气净化压缩后,装在专门的容器内用汽车运送至城镇。
  6. It's difficult to find subordinate station in a sentence. 用subordinate station造句挺难的
  7. Lng subordinate stations are always 30 ~ 200kms far from lng plants and have a certain number of equipments for reservation . through vehicles , ships etc , lng can be transported to subordinate stations , then lng can be supplied to all kinds of users after being evaporated
    Lng卫星站通常建设在距离lng工厂具有30 200公里的城镇,在该站内建设一定数量的储存设施,通过汽车、槽船等便利的运输工具将液化天然气运入卫星站,在站内气化后的液化天然气进入城市管网供各类用户使用。


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  7. "subordinate task"造句
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  9. "subordinate to"造句
  10. "subordinate to law"造句

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